The Hope is Us

September 2007

The 11th Hour is the latest major documentary examination of civilization’s difficult relationship with the natural world. Produced and narrated by Leonardo DiCaprio, in many ways the film picks up where Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth left off, offering potential avenues out of the impasse we have created.

The film marries top-shelf star power with some of the most thoughtful and incisive thinkers on the planet. If this means that DiCaprio comes across as a bit of a lightweight — well… he’s a movie star. Besides, Mikhail Gorbachev is a tough act to follow. In this film, the man who initiated the dismantling of the Soviet Union, quite possibly saving the lives of billions, gravely intones, a propos of the direction civilization is headed: “We must make a principled decision to act differently.” It’s probably better not to say anything after that. Just let it sink in.

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